
Justice for All is a Lawyer’s Responsibility

Justice for All

Last month, lawyers across America participated in a national celebration of pro bono service. The annual event is an opportunity to reflect on the legal profession’s responsibility to provide access to justice for all.

The Preamble of the Illinois Rules of Professional Conduct makes clear that a lawyer’s obligation extends beyond serving as a client’s representative and an officer of the legal system. As public citizens, lawyers “should seek improvement of the law, access to the legal system, the administration of justice and the quality of service rendered by the legal profession.”

Providing access to quality legal services isn’t only vital for the clients represented in daily practice and through pro bono work. Doing good improves well-being. Research shows that helping others lowers stress levels and improves self-esteem. When lawyers feel happier, they are better able to listen to clients and provide superior counsel that’s responsive to their needs.

Here’s a look at recent articles that reflect on the legal profession’s responsibility to administer quality justice for all each day.

Honoring Pro Bono

Improving Administration of Justice

Civility in the Workplace

  • Workplace Civility: Leaders Can Make a Difference: Employees are craving leaders who set the tone for a civil workplace. Organizational leaders who fail to act could adversely impact the bottom line. Not to mention the personal lives of employees. Could you do more to combat workplace incivility?
  • Cara Houck: Miller, Canfield, Paddock and Stone PLC: In our Lawyer Spotlight, Cara Houck says mutual respect will increase civility in her commercial litigation work: “In my mind, opposing counsel is not your adversary. They are like you, passionately advocating for their client.” Should you adjust your view of opposing counsel?

What else could lawyers do to administer quality justice for all each day? Please share your thoughts below.

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