Professional responsibility CLE and judicial education is at the heart of our mission.

Professional responsibility CLE explores attorney behavior and its impact on the profession, the delivery of justice, and our society as a whole. Through professional responsibility courses, lawyers learn how to better work with their peers, improve client relationships, and build a reputation for integrity and commitment to the law.

Learn more about our free CLE programs below.

Online CLE

Our interactive online eLearnings fall into the areas that Rule 794(d) defines as professional responsibility: professionalism, civility, legal ethics, diversity and inclusion, and mental health and substance abuse.

Take a CLE


The Illinois Supreme Court’s Lawyer-to-Lawyer Mentoring Program creates opportunities for experienced lawyers to share practical learning and professional guidance with new lawyers – virtually and in person. Attorneys who complete the program are eligible for 6 hours of free CLE, which also fulfills the basic skills course required for new attorneys.

Participate in mentoring

Courthouse Professionalism Training

We conduct onsite CLE seminars that place courthouse personnel in the shoes of patrons for a day, exploring the courthouse experience from the eyes of users. These trainings are designed to highlight the role each member of the courthouse community plays in ensuring a positive experience with the justice system.

We are evaluating in-person Courthouse Professionalism Training requests in accordance with public health guidelines.

Schedule a CPT

CLE Development Toolkit Legal education newsletter

At the Commission, we believe that lawyers who exemplify the ideals of professionalism can change the world. Therefore, we are dedicated to supporting high-quality professional responsibility CLE across Illinois.

Develop a CLE

Developing or facilitating a CLE? We’re here to help. We have outlined steps and assembled resources to help you develop an innovative and engaging CLE. Need additional help? Reach out to us at

Professionalism topics

  • General Guidelines for all Professional Responsibility CLE

    The following guidelines apply to providers who wish to apply for professional responsibility (PR) CLE credit in the areas of professionalism, civility, ethics, mental health and substance abuse (MH&SA), or diversity and inclusion (D&I).

     Important Rules to Consider

    All courses requesting PR CLE credit must comply with the general CLE course requirements of Rule 795(a). These requirements include:

    • The course or activity must have significant intellectual, educational, or practical content, and its primary objective must be to increase each participant’s professional competence as an attorney. [Rule 795(a)(1)]
    • The course or activity must deal primarily with matters related to the practice of law. [Rule 795(a)(2)]
    • The course must be offered by a provider having substantial, recent experience in offering CLE or demonstrated ability to organize and effectively present CLE. “Demonstrated ability” arises partly from the extent to which individuals with legal training or educational experience are involved in the planning, instruction, and supervision of the activity. [Rule 795(a)(3)]
    • The course must be conducted by an individual or group qualified by practical or academic experience. [Rule 795(a)(4)]

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  • Mental Health and Substance Abuse CLE Guidelines

    The following guidelines were developed by the Commission on Professionalism for CLE providers and administrators who wish to apply for PR CLE credit in the area of mental health and substance abuse (MH&SA).

    In planning any PR CLE, including MH&SA, please refer to the General Guidelines for all Professional Responsibility CLE.

    When considering topics for MH&SA CLE, we recommend providers consider whether the qualifications and experience of the presenters are appropriate to not only deliver the content but also to position the presenter as an expert in the field.

    This is particularly important with regard to topics such as suicide, substance abuse, trauma, and depression, which are areas that require specialized expertise and are best facilitated by engaging an appropriately qualified medical professional on a substantive level.

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  • Diversity and Inclusion CLE Guidelines

    The following guidelines were developed by the Commission on Professionalism for CLE providers and administrators who wish to apply for PR CLE credit in the area of diversity and inclusion (D&I).

    In planning any PR CLE, including D&I, please refer to the General Guidelines for all Professional Responsibility CLE.

    When considering courses for D&I CLE, we recommend providers review whether the qualifications and experience of the presenters are appropriate to not only deliver the content but also to position the presenter as an expert in the field.

    This is particularly important with regard to topics such as unconscious bias, stigma, dimensions of diversity, and harassment, as these are topics in which participants may have had negative experiences in their daily lives.

    For these areas of expertise, it is essential that the presenter has incorporated how the unique challenges of the legal profession can create barriers to change. Generic courses on societal bias, D&I may not address these barriers and be a source of frustration for the participants looking for practical, customized solutions.

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  • Professionalism, Ethics, and Civility CLE Guidelines

    Rule 794(d) defines PR courses as those in the areas of professionalism, civility, legal ethics, diversity and inclusion, and mental health and substance abuse. Civility, professionalism, and legal ethics are discussed below.

    In addition, please remember that every PR course must still meet Rule 795 accreditation standards.

Print the CLE Guidelines

Course monitoring program

As part of our mission of approving all professional responsibility CLE courses in Illinois, we provide oversight of course quality and assist course providers in developing high-quality content. In doing so, our staff periodically attends and monitors courses statewide, providing feedback and guidance to the provider.

If you would like us to attend your course, please reach out to us at

Apply for course approval

We accredit professional responsibility CLE courses and activities. Courses for review should be submitted through the MCLE Board’s PCAM system. Courses are generally reviewed by the Commission in 7-10 days.

A list of all available CLE activities can be found in Rule 795(d)(7). To obtain CLE certificates for non-traditional activities, such as attending or teaching law school courses or legal scholarship (publications), please apply through your MCLE dashboard.

Providers with questions about PCAM should contact the MCLE Board.

Please review the course descriptions and our Guidelines for Speaking Requests before submitting a request for a CLE speaker. The courses can be delivered either virtually or in person.

Please note, due to our limited staff and focus on Illinois lawyers, we must respectfully decline some requests.

Request a CLE Speaker


Civility and Professionalism Courses

Civility in Practice: Elevating Your Reputation as a Lawyer 

In the legal profession, reputation is everything. It shapes your professional image and career success. 

This course delves into the significance of one’s reputation, highlighting how civility impacts how you are perceived by peers, clients, and the legal community at large. Through engaging discussions and practical exercises, participants will gain valuable insights into elevating their civility, reputation, and job satisfaction. 

1.0 hour professional responsibility CLE credit in Illinois


Civility in the Courtroom: High Stakes, High Pressure, High Drama 

Civil lawyers are more effective and achieve better outcomes. They build better reputations and may have higher job satisfaction. Conversely, incivility negatively impacts attorney well-being, invites discipline, and perpetuates stereotypes that have plagued the profession. 

In this interactive session, you’ll identify specific ways in which incivility disrupts the litigation process. ​Then we’ll explore strategies to address incivility in the courtroom, during communications with opposing counsel, and in pleadings.  

1.0 hour professional responsibility CLE credit in Illinois 


Diversity and Inclusion Courses

Beyond Bias: Strategies for Inclusive Legal Leadership 

Lawyers work in a legal profession in which diversity and inclusion are important goals. The diversity in identities for legal professionals is not increasing at a rapid pace while the diversity in identities of clients is continuing to increase along with the diversity of the United States. Diversity and inclusion are important to ensure quality work as well as equity are inherent in the rule of law. Our responses will help to dictate the sustainability of the positive legal workplaces that we all seek and thrive within.  

This course explores how each lawyer can be a legal leader while combatting bias, becoming allies, and encouraging inclusiveness in the legal profession. 

1.0 hour diversity and inclusion CLE credit in Illinois 


Diversity as a Mindset, Not Just an Initiative 

Recent data from the ABA reveals that diversity continues to be slow moving in the legal profession, in particular, when it comes to hiring and retaining female attorneys and attorneys of color.  

This course is a practical, interactive session focused on how embracing a diverse mindset can lead to more successful outcomes and sustainable solutions in the legal workplace. 

1.0 hour diversity and inclusion CLE credit in Illinois


We Need to Talk: Navigating Challenging Conversations about Diversity 

Many people struggle with having honest and productive conversations about diversity. Most want to be supportive of marginalized audiences but lack the skill to ask questions or fear saying the wrong thing. As a result, some try to avoid these conversations which only exacerbates problems.  ​ 

This course delves into how professionalism and civility can provide you with skills to discuss culturally sensitive topics with empathy and openness.  

1.0 hour diversity and inclusion CLE credit in Illinois explores


Mental Health and Substance Abuse Courses


Attorney Well-Being: An Ethical and Professionalism Issue 

Recent studies show that lawyers are struggling with their mental health, drinking too much, and feeling burnt out at alarming rates. This reality raises ethical and professionalism issues for lawyers.  

This session explores why lawyers are susceptible to developing problematic behaviors to deal with stress, and then presents strategies to strengthen your well-being and resiliency in both personal and professional settings. 

1.0 hour mental health and substance abuse CLE credit in Illinois


Request a CLE Speaker