In 2018, the Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Professionalism continued to deliver and further develop its unique Courthouse Professionalism Training. This training program brings together representatives from every segment of the courthouse to consider ways they can increase their professionalism and service to those who access our judicial system. The training invites court personnel, judges, and practicing lawyers to step into the shoes of courthouse patrons to understand and appreciate their perspectives.
We concluded our 2018 Courthouse Professionalism Trainings on November 15, 2018 with the Second District Appellate Court in Elgin. The program was our first appellate-level training. More than 50 participants were able to experience this new training program – Delivering Justice: What’s My Role?
A Second District planning committee, chaired by Justice Kathryn Zenoff, worked with Commission staff to tailor the training to the specialized work done in the Appellate Court. Program attendees included justices, justices’ staff, research staff, and the Clerk’s office.
The training kicked off with parodies of professionalism vignettes between a clerk and self-represented litigant, a justice and her elbow clerk, and an elbow clerk and the Clerk’s office. The participants watched (and laughed) during this icebreaker exercise and were asked to put themselves into a role different from their daily one. Participants then engaged in a vibrant discussion on the challenges they face in delivering justice.
READ MORE Illinois Courts Connect November, 27 2018