CLOC Survey Indicates Growing Demand for In-House Legal Services

Corporate legal departments are delivering more services in house while exploring ways to control costs, according to the Corporate Legal Operations Consortium’s (CLOC) 2019 State of the Industry Survey. The survey, which was released on July 18, compared internal to external expenditure, legal operations headcount, technology and innovation, and law firm evaluations across 200-plus companies […]

IAALS and HiiL Launch First of Its Kind U.S. Justice Needs Survey

The Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System (IAALS) and The Hague Institute for Innovation of Law (HiiL) are partnering on the novel U.S. Justice Needs survey to evaluate the legal needs of American people and businesses not typically studied. Historically, U.S. access to justice studies have been limited in geographic scope or […]

Take Part in’s Mental Health Survey

As part of its yearlong Minds Over Matters: An Examination of Mental Health in the Legal Profession initiative, has partnered with ALM Intelligence to gather information on mental health and substance abuse among lawyers and legal professionals. Multiple studies have documented the pervasiveness of mental health and substance abuse problems in the legal profession. […]

Opportunities for Small Law Firms Willing to Innovate, According to Thomson Reuters Survey

Small law firms continue to struggle with administrative tasks and new business, but few are taking meaningful action to address these challenges, according to the Thomson Reuters 2020 State of U.S. Small Law Firms survey. This inaction creates opportunities for small firms willing to take the lead in innovating their service delivery models. In its fourth […]

Survey Finds Black Women Lawyers Continue to Experience High Rates of Discrimination and Bias

A recent survey found 70% of Black women lawyers had experienced or witnessed discrimination and bias in the workplace and 47% said they feel the burden of having to educate people on diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) just because they are Black.

Survey Reveals the Characteristics Attorneys Want in Law Firm Culture  

To achieve lasting success, law firms must recruit and retain attorneys who have a vested interest in the success of the firm. Attorneys may be more likely to support and shepherd the enduring success of a law firm with a culture that aligns with their values.

Weigh in on Sexual Misconduct in the Legal Profession

Women Lawyers on Guard Inc., a nonprofit advocating for women, is determined to address sexual misconduct in the legal profession. In collaboration with Nextions, a research and consulting firm, Women Lawyers on Guard is surveying women and men in the legal profession on their direct and indirect experiences with sexual misconduct. The survey is open to […]