Each year, the Illinois Bar Foundation – the charitable arm of the Illinois State Bar Association – honors legal professionals at its Annual Fellows Breakfast. This year, Executive Director of the Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Professionalism, Jayne Reardon, will be one of them.
This December, Jayne will receive the Illinois Bar Foundation’s 2017 Distinguished Service to Law and Society Award. Past recipients of this and other honors at the breakfast include Illinois Supreme Court Justices, judges, and attorneys who exemplify the Foundation’s mission tied to service.
Chair of the Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Professionalism and former President of the Illinois Bar Foundation, Hon. Debra B. Walker, expressed her appreciation of Jayne, noting that she couldn’t have selected a more deserving recipient of this honor.
Jayne has worked tirelessly to promote civility and professionalism throughout the state of Illinois. Her vision, accomplishments and service have also brought her and our Commission national acclaim. We are all very proud of our own, Jayne Reardon!
In addition to Jayne Reardon, the Illinois Bar Foundation will honor two other distinguished members of the Illinois legal community.
The 2017 Fellows Breakfast will also recognize Justice Mary Ann Mason of the Illinois Appellate Court’s 1st District and Justice James Wexstten, Ret. of the Illinois Appellate Court’s 5th District. Justice Mason will receive the 2017 Honorary Fellows Award, while, Justice Wexstten, Ret. will receive the 2017 Distinguished Service to Law & Society Award with Jayne Reardon.
The 2017 Illinois Bar Foundation will host the Fellows Breakfast at the University Club of Chicago on December 8, 2017, at 7:30 to 9:00 AM.
Proceeds from this Illinois Bar Foundation annual event will go toward the work of its mission, and also provide legal fellowships to recent law school graduates.
Registration and sponsorship opportunities are still available for those interested in attending the program. We hope to see you there.
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