Legal Ethics

Future Law Demands Technology and Ethics Go Hand-in-Hand

technology ethicsOur world is changing. Technology continues to transform the way we do work, especially the way we interact with clients and colleagues in and outside of the office. As technology integrates its way into the legal profession, ethics questions and opinions have started to arise. 

With a lawyer’s obligation to remain abreast of the changes in legal technology, our team at the Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Professionalism has made a point to address the risks and benefits of the new forms of technology that we continually adopt in our practices. 

Last year, we implemented a new section of the blog dedicated solely to technology in the profession. Since then, we have addressed ethics questions tied to our relationships on social mediaelectronic filing (e-filing)jury research, and many more. 

As these and new conundrums leave lawyers perplexed, we will continue to offer guidance and support. Below are insights into several of the latest concerns in the legal profession, as well as posts that inspired our team to think differently:

Recent Ethics Questions and Opinions Impacting Our Profession 

Content That Inspires Change 

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