The Buck Stops Here

Ethics and Professionalism for In-House Counsel

This course satisfies the Rule 716(c) requirement for foreign in-house counsel seeking limited admission to the Illinois bar.

Like law firm attorneys, in-house counsel face many ethical and professionalism challenges in their daily practices. And like law firm attorneys, in-house counsel are subject to the Illinois Rules of Professional Conduct. However many of the Rules often seem inapplicable to those practicing in-house.

This online course seeks to bridge the gap between perception and reality, and answer the ethical and professionalism questions in-house counsel face every day.

Who is the client? What determines “competence”? What to do when a CEO wants to violate the law? When can an attorney invest in his employer?

By the end of the course, attorneys will have (1) identified several Illinois Rules of Professional Conduct that delineate the responsibilities of in-house counsel, and (2) applied the Rules of Professional Conduct to novel ethical and professionalism situations.

Before you launch the course, be sure to read the navigation instructions and the outline. Feel free to use these selected Illinois Rules of Professional Conduct used throughout the course as a reference guide for your work.

If you are a foreign counsel seeking admission, please complete the course and submit the certification e-mail to the Illinois Board of Admissions to the Bar.

This course is approved for 1.0 hours of professional responsibility CLE credit in Illinois.

Before Launching the Course

  1. To receive CLE credit, complete the CLE Feedback & Attestation Survey at the end of the course. You will automatically be prompted to take the survey upon finishing the course.
    You must list your correct ARDC number in the survey. Please take a moment to locate it. You will not receive CLE credit if you do not complete the survey or use an incorrect ARDC number.
  2. For the most reliable experience, launch this course in the latest version of one of the recommended web browsers below.

    Windows: Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Firefox (*Internet Explorer [IE] Mode isn’t supported in Microsoft Edge)
    Mac: Safari, Google Chrome, Firefox
    Mobile: Safari, Google Chrome

Launch Course

Course Outline