
Bullying Does Not Pass for Advocacy in Illinois

harassment in a courtroomEarlier this month, you may have read about the Illinois Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission’s recommended three-year suspension of attorney Felipe Nery Gomez for sending “threatening and harassing emails” to seven attorneys during pending litigation.

Based on the contents of the emails (which I’ll get into in a bit) it seems like it would be an open and shut case of incivility in communications. However, an ethics attorney interviewed for the piece says that “the line between zealous advocacy and ‘scorched-earth’ litigation tactics is often much blurrier.”

I initially planned this blog post to discuss the tension lawyers might feel between a duty of zealous advocacy and a duty to conduct oneself civilly at all times, and even drafted a few paragraphs.

However, after I read the opinion of the Illinois ARDC Hearing Board and researched other disciplinary cases in the state, I realized that there is a pattern in uncivil communication in Illinois and it isn’t a pretext of advocacy: it’s straight-up bullying, and it often targets females.

How is “zealous advocacy” defined?

Lawyers often assert that the line between incivility and zealous advocacy is fuzzy. But where does the duty of zealous advocacy really come from?

The word “zealous” doesn’t appear in the Illinois Rules of Professional Conduct. It does, however, show up twice in the Preamble and once in a comment.

Paragraph 2 of the Preamble states that as an advocate, “a lawyer zealously asserts the client’s position” but goes on to qualify that by saying “under the rules of our adversary system.”

The Preamble also states that lawyers may have to resolve conflicts between duty to clients, the legal system, and the lawyer’s interest. In resolving such conflicts, they are told to exercise “sensitive professional and moral judgment” guided by basic principles “include[ing] the lawyer’s obligation zealously to protect and pursue a client’s legitimate interests, within the bounds of the law, while maintaining a professional, courteous and civil attitude toward all persons involved in the legal system.” (Preamble, Cmt. 9)

[Emphasis added in both of these passages.]

Comment 1 to Rule 1.3, which requires a lawyer to act with diligence, explains that a “lawyer must also act with commitment and dedication to the interests of the client and with zeal in advocacy upon the client’s behalf.”

However, the comment goes on to explain the limits of that zeal. “A lawyer is not bound, however, to press for every advantage that might be realized for a client…The lawyer’s duty to act with reasonable diligence does not require the use of offensive tactics or preclude the treating of all persons involved in the legal process with courtesy and respect.” (Rule 1.3, Cmt. 1)

Given that the definition of zeal is “a strong feeling of interest and enthusiasm” in pursuit of a cause or an objective, there really is no friction between zeal and civility.

As Kevin Dubose and Jonathan E. Smaby wrote in the Texas Bar Journal, the word “zealous” in the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct (identical in relevant part to Illinois’ Rules of Professional Conduct) envisions zeal as “a passionate and enthusiastic manner designed to achieve a favorable outcome for the client. Thus, zealousness should not be judged by its stridency but by the result.”

Advocacy or bullying in the Gomez case?   

In the case that kicked off this post, the ARDC Hearing Board found that Gomez violated the Illinois Rules of Professional Conduct in sending threatening and harassing emails to seven other attorneys in three different litigation matters.

Gomez’s emails referred to opposing counsel as “scum,” “liar,” “idiot,” “active criminal,” and “targets” and threatened them with lawsuits and sanctions.

The Hearing Board found that Gomez violated Illinois Rules of Professional Conduct Rules 4.4(a) and 8.4(d).

Rule 4.4(a) states that in representing a client, “a lawyer shall not use means that have no substantial purpose other than to embarrass, delay, or burden a third person, or use methods of obtaining evidence that violate the legal rights of such a person.”

And Rule 8.4(d) states that it is professional misconduct for a lawyer to “engage in conduct that is prejudicial to the administration of justice.”

Gomez attempted to defend his statements as protected opinions under the First Amendment and substantially related to the litigation. The ARDC Hearing Board rejected these arguments, and it recommended that Gomez be suspended from the practice of law for three years and until further order of the court.

Two of the cases in which Gomez sent abusive emails were in federal court. The Executive Committee of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois disbarred Gomez from practicing law in that court until further order.

Citing the federal court disbarment and a threat of irreparable injury to the public, the administrator of the ARDC petitioned the Illinois Supreme Court for an interim suspension during the pendency of the disciplinary case.

On April 8, 2021, the Illinois Supreme Court suspended Gomez immediately and until further order of the court.

Under all these circumstances, it is expected that the Court will approve the ARDC’s recommendation of a three-year suspension until further order of court. (A suspension until further order of the court requires the suspended lawyer to petition for reinstatement after the fixed period of suspension ends. Reinstatement is only allowed by the Illinois Supreme Court following a hearing before the ARDC Hearing Board in which the attorney bears the burden of proof.)

A pattern of bullying female attorneys in Illinois

While the Gomez case involved emails directed to male attorneys, during my research into Illinois disciplinary cases, I found an alarming pattern of bullying of female attorneys by their male counterparts. It can be assumed that this bullying, which is far from zealous advocacy, has been used to intimidate and belittle female attorneys.

I’ve included some instances below where male Illinois lawyers who made disparaging comments against female lawyers were disciplined for violating Rule 4.4(a):

  • In In re Craddock, the ARDC Hearing Board found that a male attorney used vulgar and disparaging gender-based language on three separate occasions in addressing female litigation counsel in federal and state court litigation matters. This included twice in the hallway of the federal courthouse when he intentionally addressed counsel by altering the first syllable of her name “Courtney” to a pejorative term. After counsel filed a motion for sanctions against him, he sent a disparaging email that altered both her first and last names to include the words “c–––” and “b––––” and threatened reprisals. On April 3, 2020, the Illinois Supreme Court suspended him for three months. (He was also suspended for 12 months by the Executive Committee of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, which found he violated Rule of Professional Conduct 8.4(g) by “engag[ing] in conduct that the lawyer knows or reasonably should know is harassment or discrimination on the basis of…sex” by twice using gender-based, vulgar terms to insult his opposing counsel.)
  • In In re Pondenis, the Hearing Board found an attorney made statements in text messages calling the girlfriend of a former client a “deadbeat” who had no intention of paying bills and had an order of protection taken out against her children. In addition, in connection with a pending eviction notice against him, the attorney sent rude text messages to his landlord and his landlord’s wife, including calling the wife a “fat b––––.” These pejorative statements were found to have no legitimate purpose other than to embarrass in violation of Rule 4.4(a). In an order issued on September 23, 2021, the Illinois Supreme Court suspended the attorney from the practice of law for one year and until further order of court.
  • In In re Cohn, a male attorney directed vulgar language to female opposing counsel in a deposition. In the deposition, when Cohn directed his witness not to answer a question, opposing counsel stated, “Certify the question.” Cohn responded, “Certify your own stupidity, then.” When Cohn instructed his witness not to answer another question, and opposing counsel certified that question, Cohn stated, “I’m going to get sanctions against your firm like you wouldn’t believe, b––––.” In finding misconduct, the Hearing Board stated, “there is no question that directing vulgar gender-based slurs toward another person in the course of representation violates rule 4.4(a).” The Hearing Board found that the comments were made to demean and harass the attorney and that she testified credibly that she felt embarrassed and verbally abused. (Counsel filed a Motion for Sanctions against Cohn and the Hearing Board found that Cohn made disparaging remarks about the judge being in “robe rage” that violated Rules 8.2(a) and 8.4(d)). The Illinois Supreme Court suspended Cohn for six months and until he completes the ARDC professionalism course.
  • In In re Novoselsky, an attorney was suspended for six months in 2015 for violating Rule 4.4(a) by repeatedly calling his female opposing counsel insulting, vulgar, and gender-based slurs. The Hearing Board found he called female opposing counsel names including “f–––––– b––––,” “a––––––,” “pervert,” “slut,” and “child molester.” He called male opposing counsel in another matter a “cokehead” and “an idiot.” He also called a deputy sheriff a “dumbbell” and repeatedly threatened to “have her job.” (Another disciplinary action was filed against Novoselsky; the Illinois Supreme Court disbarred him in September 2020.)

Far from any sort of advocacy, zealous or otherwise, the above cases show a pattern of behavior that amounts to bullying. As in most cases of bullying, the targets are perceived to be weak.

Thank you to all of the women and their supporters who have exhibited courage in standing up and bringing these behaviors to the attention of the ARDC. Thank you to the ARDC for prosecuting these attorneys and to the Illinois Supreme Court for disciplining them for their offensive behavior.

As a female attorney in Illinois, it’s heartening to know that defending bullying as a form of advocacy doesn’t stand in our court system.

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10 thoughts on “Bullying Does Not Pass for Advocacy in Illinois

  1. Thank you, Jayne, for researching Illinois disciplinary cases involving bullying behaviors toward women and publishing this thoughtful and well-written article. I echo your thanks to those courageous enough to report the behavior and endure the ensuing disciplinary process. What saddens me is knowing that, like sexual harassment, so many more instances of bad behavior likely occur but go unreported, allowing the bullies to continue their shameful conduct. As members of the bar, we should remember the importance of being allies for our colleagues and not be afraid to speak up, step in, and support the victim in taking action. Let’s commit to being the kind of bystander who challenges bullies and supports victims of bullying.

    1. Thank you for taking the time to comment, Jodi. I agree with you that all members of the bar should be allies for our colleagues and help stamp our this scourge on our profession. The three “Ss” are well said and easy to remember: speak up, step in and support the victim.

  2. Thank you Ms. Reardon. As a female attorney licensed in Illinois for forty years I can attest to instances of this type of outrageous behavior over the years. Thankfully, most all of my male colleagues are respectful and do not engage in this misogynistic behavior. Still, I would like to request that all attorneys, when they witness this behavior or become victims of it, call it out right away, and then have the courage to report it. I will admit that for the most part, I did not do that, and it was a mistake. The behavior will not stop if we do not intervene. Sadly, some of the examples Ms. Reardon cited are from 2020’s.

    1. Kathy, I can relate to your comment and appreciate you, as a Commissioner, asking attorneys to call out such behavior right away and have the courage to report it. Many of us female lawyers were cowed into silence in our younger days. It is a new day and I am encouraged that there will be dimming tolerance for this type of behavior in the future.

  3. Jayne–I echo the comments of Ms Fisk and Ms Pine. I’ve been there and agree that we need to stand up to this behavior and speak up when we see and hear it. Thanks for your article.


    1. Thanks much Meg–I appreciate you taking the time to comment. I like your words: Stand Up and Speak Up! Human nature being what it is, It’s easier to do so when you see others doing it.

  4. Maybe the ARDC should consider disciplining counsel who repeatedly misgender transgender attorneys in front of the jury. I once filed such a complaint, about ten or eleven years ago, and the ARDC did nothing.

  5. If ever I needed such words of encouragement this grand, it was now. Ms. Jayne and Ms. Kathleen, what I wouldn’t give for 30 minutes of your time. I could only dream of such a gift. Without risking litigious speech, I’ll present this….my husband and I are facing the loss of our home, we are close to financial ruin, after 15 years of building a rock-solid, matrimonial foundation of which most can only dream, everything is crumbling. And no ma’am’s, not due to foreclosure or payment deficit. We errored in judgement on selecting counsel. I have begged and pleaded in search for replacement counsel and can not get a single attorney to help me. I received one email and one voicemail in response to 27 cries for help. We hired our current counsel on 4/6/2022. To date, I’ve received one 41 second phone call on 7/7 which caught me off-guard. Armed with ire in {their} voice and I quote “what do you want”? “Look, I’ve been in court all day, now I am in my car, was told to call what do you need ma’am”? It was that very moment {they} said “I’ve been in court all day…”I realized who was on the other end. I immediately hung up. I just know if I could be graced with 10 minutes of a descent counsels’ time, we would stand victorious. Otherwise, I am left with being forced out of my own home out of felonious, deceptive (fraudulent) greed, a husband with failing kidney’s at the age of 59, my employment contract ended in May and it seems pointless to secure gainful employment knowing there are impending (unnecessary) court dates, I am left to figure out where my husband and I go from here. While our case does surround lengthy details respectfully, make no mistake, I am more than willing to wager the PIN to my debit card and both credit cards, a victorious verdict! If the law(s) would permit, I am more than confident to enter court in a pro se capacity. As you know, I can not “represent” my husband. Nevertheless, I feel honored to have found your site. I am going to visit the links you provided as I am certain I was led here for a reason. Please continue your work, I am proof that you are making a difference. Highly doubtful, but if I am the only person you shine hope upon, your work is not in vain. Bravo ladies…bravo.

    1. I can not believe after that giant ramble (above), I failed to mention most recent findings; which brought me to me knees and ultimate feeling of accepted defeat. Armed with the gift of intelligence and a few clicks of the mouse, I learned that our opposing counsel was granted another term on the ARDC’s Commission in January 2021; two days before I was going to submit my formal complaint against our attorney. Four and a half sleepless days and nights, researching facts, strategizing, omitting emotion, remaining professional, being ever so careful to choose my words wisely and more importantly, accurately. All for nothing. Subsequent to not only {that person’s actions}, paired my attorney’s lack of actions and granting special privileges to the opposing party, We are left abandoned. Who do we trust now? I can’t very well submit my well-earned complaint now! Fearful of the Commission member breaking confidentiality, we do not stand a chance. I certainly can’t submit my complaint now in an effort to get some relief But, I am going to continue to fight. It is currently 3:24a.m. for me, in southern Illinois. I will not sleep until I can secure our victory.

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